Hello my fellow enthusiasts,

Firstly let me offer my sincerest apologies for the site been down. I could give you the technical explanation for its demise but I don’t understand it either so I won’t attempt to try. Suffice to say, I haven’t got the know how to fix and cannot afford to hire a professional to do the work, so the site  be here until mid-year when the server charges will become due. When the fees are unpaid, no doubt the entire site will no doubt bomb. It was good while it lasted.

That is the bad news. The goods news is that I have migrated to Here, for free, you can read some of my stories and see chosen stills and gifs from my vast archives.

What about all of the astonishing videos and photos that could be found here? Don’t worry. They are safe and are stored on my Dropbox pages and are available for viewing by invite only. Anybody can request a limited 24 hour pass to view this incredible and irreplaceable material. Just drop a few lushcoins into my virtual hat on my Lush pages and you are in. It’s up to you what you give.

If you are a past paying member of the site, please don’t assume that you will be allowed the free viewing of the media. I have decided that a new start is needed. I have, apparently, not been too clever in allowing access to this incredible material for peanuts, particularly in the early days of the site.

Then, I was inexperienced and undervalued the nature of the material that I was showing. What is so different about it you may ask. Free porn is easily available in any flavour so why should I charge premium prices for my stuff? The answer is because I can and know that my stuff is unique. I have already turned down a very tempting five figure sum for my collection.

The majority of enthusiastic voyeurs (which is my target audience) like to view genuine clips where the girl or girls (or indeed boys!) are totally unaware that they are being filmed as they cavort around.Today, sex workers are fully cognisant of the risk of customers using hidden cameras to record their activities. I would not want to repeat my risky multi-camera shoots in todays environment as the risk of been discovered is incalculably higher than when I was actively between 2017 and 2021.

My Secret Pornstar archives contains getting on a hundred and fifty separate clips, mostly using four to six hidden HD cameras and taken all over the world. Each clip is five to thirty minutes in length and are fully edited to a standard that you will find it hard to believe that all the participants (except me of course!) were totally unaware that they were becoming secret pornstars. I make no excuses for my actions. All of the girls were performing for money and paid handsomely for their efforts. I paid well above the going rate for their services which also served to ensure that they performed to a high standard even if their faces did not always show it. I am reminded of the young, highly intelligent Polish Sinologist that I met in Warsaw. Although she performed to a high standard and fucked and sucked me into paradise, just look at the grimaces and faces that she made in the final clip that I put together

During the pandemic which emerged just as I was completing my lengthy ‘Around the World in 80 Lays’ adventure and then, like many, I was grounded in sex prison for a couple of years. I did rejoin the fray for a while in Kenya last year but the fun and motivation had largely dissipated, and so I decided to hang my cameras up for the last time. I have since sold most of my gear, so there is no going back. I did, however, go out with a tremendous bang (pun intended) with a super cute, little Kenyan waitress who took me back to the old days. I might be a shaky old git but I had mucho fun and shot an amazing vid to close the show.

She was probably my swan song, but who knows. The spirit is certainly willing if the body sadly weak. But given the chance….

So, if you want to see what all the fuss is about and don’t object to the sight of a shaky old geezer fucking a succession of hot young girls, most aged between 18 and 25 (all fully checked to be legal) and young enough to be his granddaughter, then you will love my stuff and will never see it’s like again, then get in touch and if you are bona fida enthusiast for the ultimate in voyeurism at its finest, then you will be in for the treat of your life.

You will also be able to see non-hidden camera material from the many years that In spent in SE Asia, mostly in The Philippines but also in Thailand and Indonesia. This includes seven years of still photos and videos which I never showed in this site. I have now cleaned up and sorted this mass of material comprising literally thousands and of photos of the.hundreds of girls that I fucked whilst there, Your mind will be well and truly blown.

Then there ere the fucktoys, mostly young college students aged 18 to 21 who were my playthings over the.years in Manila. They vary in type from big breasted cuties to drop dead gorgeous stunners.

One thing that they have in common is that they were all extremely fuckable, providing good to tremendous service and some were beyond outstanding,  Sexy Suzy is one example. She was 22 when we first met and looked like a cute, shy and skinny teenager, When she put on her genuine old high school uniform she looked positively sinful. The joy of 3 hole fucking her whilst she was wearing it was one of the topmost of the many highlights of my time in Manila. Running her close were many others such as Cindy, one of the prettiest Pinays  that I encountered in The Philippines or  Katy, a cheeky and chubby young engineering student from one of the top universities in Manila. She absolutely loved been fucked in the ass and was the noisiest girls that I have ever fucked. Her moans and screams once broke up a bible meeting in a adjoining condo unit to the one where I was giving her a proper anal seeing too!

And there is much, much more. I am still sorting out my vast archives and I’m finding new and unseen material all of the time to add to my collections.


Confessions of an International Punting addict

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Worth fighting for

Glory to Ukraine

I hope that you will enjoy my little site. Following on from a near fatal hacking attack, I have only been able to retrieve a limited amount of the material from the previous site. I initially thought to pack the whole thing away in the ‘too hard’ tray but I enjoyed running the site and I know that it gave pleasure to some fellow journeymen on the fun road of life. So I have resurrected it in its new guise which is, hopefully leaner, fitter and meaner than its predecessor. The bloat has gone and good riddance to it.

We now centre squarely on the the real meat and two veg of matters. This site started as a showcase for stories and media from my extensive travels between 2016 to 2021. A t its heart was the illustrated blog that wrote from diverse areas of the world. So this will remain at its core even though it may be of interest only to archivists and enthusiasts like myself who enjoy reading of the sexual misadventures of others on the world’s highway and byways. Also retained is the ‘Around The World in 80 Lays’ video because it took so much time and effort putting together and who can resist one minute highlights from 80 close encounters of the naughty kind.

Then there is Tales From The Dark Side. This is  a collection of tales from my years on the road.  Most are 100% factual whilst a few have a little artistic license taken for dramatic effect, as they say on TV. All are accompanied by a video or a  video photogallery. Most tend also to be Secret Pornstars. This is why it is called the Dark Side.  I didn’t know it at the time but my compulsions to travel and secretly film my activities was a side effect of medication taken for Parkinsons Disease.  Sounds ridiculous but apparently true according to my neurologist.  I am not trying to excuse the dark side of my nature as I was a punter long before I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. It was just a contributing factor. 

I am retired now from the life that I formally led. I do miss it and the video and photos that I am reviewing bring all the good memories flooding back to me.  And there are many.

I hope that you will consider joining as a full member. This will ensure the future survival of the site.

Thank you.


This is an entirely private site, with no ads or means of achieving revenue except through membership subscriptions from you! Your continued support is appreciated.

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